
Puppet Theatre and Animated Forms Show

Sap is the blood, the vital liquid that flows through plants, is like the blood of nature. It transports water and nutrients to all parts of the plant, regardless of size, density, or color, coming from multiple places. Sap is the essential liquid for tree growth. While trees are a major source of oxygen production, there's still much to learn about them.
Jacarandá plunges into the unknown, where infinity unfolds. A puppets and animated forms theater show that seeks to investigate the hidden and mysterious universe of nature. It reveals the colors, the rhythm and the botanical mastery in which many beings inhabit. What we do not yet know is infinite.
This sensorial and intimate piece, without words, is a solo of the dancer and puppeteer Magnum Soares, based in Lisbon.

Alongside the show, a workshop can be organised to create puppets from recyclable materials.



Available for touring
Artistic direction Adriana Melo e Magnum Soares
Performance, puppetry and scenographic objects Magnum Soares
Scenography Elio Antunes e Magnum Soares
Costume design Ícaro Carmen
Original soundtrack Duda ♧ Somtopia
Production Universo Paralelo
Co producers Marionette Museum / EGEAC and Real Pelágio Productions
Partners Fab Lab Lisboa, Real Pelágio Productions and SIB A Voz do Operário
Support of Lisbon City Council
Funded by República Portuguesa - Direção-Geral das Artes
Special thanks to Real Pelágio Productions

Target audience All audience (+6 yo)
Duration 50 minutes

Puppet Museum Lisbon (Madragoa)may 23 - 26, 2024 (2 sessions for schools and 2 sessions for all audience)
Previous presentations
BOTA Lisbon (Anjos) june 1-2
FIMO - Marionettes International Festival in Ovar • june 15-16
Puppet Festival Santarém22 august
College of the Sacred Heart of Mary Lisbon (Alameda) • 5 september 
Mediterranean Diet Fair (Álvaro de Campos Municipal Library) Tavira7 september 

Save the date
- 2024:
Espaço AlfaCena • Vila do Conde October 26-27
FIOS - Puppets and Animated Forms Festival Açores (São Miguel)8 November (2 sessions, one for schools and one for all audience)
Lagos Cultural Centre 27-28 November (for schools)
Festival Contrapeso (House of Mákina) Loulé1 December

- 2025:
Festival SINOPSE (Theatre Miguel Franco) Leiria 15 March
• Municipal Library Gustavo Pinto Lopes
Torres Novas 23 March
Jorge Peixinho House of Music Montijo 4 May
Festival Théâtre sur l'Herbe Saran (France) 28 and 29 June
Casa de Cultura Jaime Lobo e Silva Ericeira 28 July to 2 August
MARIOFA - Festival of Puppets and Other Animated Forms •  Madeira (Funchal)October

«The result is astonishing, especially if you add the light design, the set design, which Magnum co-authored with Élio Antunes, the music, original by Duda ♧ Somtopia, and - most importantly - the handling. It takes a lot of skill, but what Magnum doesn't lack is practice and genuine passion.»

This show evokes the invisible force that feeds the forests
Raquel Dias da Silva
In Time Out Portugal

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